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New Website for Louisiana’s Healthcare Providers for Adverse Actions Web Search

  Healthcare Providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program are prohibited from contracting with individuals or entities that have been excluded from the program. It’s the responsibility of providers to ensure that current and potential employees, contractors and other agents and affiliates have not been excluded from participation in Medicaid or Medicare Programs, by Louisiana …


5 Factors that Reinforce the Need for OIG Checks for Medicaid Fraud

Following the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act) into law, there has been rapid expansion of the Medicaid program in most states. By September 2015, 29 states and the district of Columbia had experienced expansion of the program, both in the number of people served and money spent. This …


Why OIG Monitoring is Important for Home Health

For home health agencies, when hiring medical directors and employees, it is critical to consistently check your employees on the OIG, SAM and state exclusion sites to ensure no prior history.  An OIG analysis of Medicare claims filed in 2014 and 2015 reveals high prevalence of fraud, particularly in certain geographies spread out in 12 …

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