Archives - August 2016


Host a flu vaccination clinic this fall to keep your employees safe and ensure business continuity

Any employer has a good idea of what the flu season means for the work environment: work hours and productivity dip as employees call in sick, or whenever parents have to stay home to nurse their kids. With the fall season fast approaching, it’s important for everyone to get vaccinated to avoid catching the flu …


Why fingerprints may not be a reliable source for background check information and could cause problems for employers

Healthcare employee background checks are a routine part of any screening process prior to employment. The aim behind these checks is to give employers the peace of mind that they are employing upstanding citizens, with no criminal record. There has been ongoing discussion by legislators for the inclusion of federal and state fingerprint checking as part …


New Website for Louisiana’s Healthcare Providers for Adverse Actions Web Search

  Healthcare Providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program are prohibited from contracting with individuals or entities that have been excluded from the program. It’s the responsibility of providers to ensure that current and potential employees, contractors and other agents and affiliates have not been excluded from participation in Medicaid or Medicare Programs, by Louisiana …